Monthly Archives: September 2011


I’m emotional. Not sure why…maybe it’s just PMS. But I am feeling kind of hollow and needy and that’s just not like me. I’ve also been feeling pretty isolated lately and I haven’t quite figured out what to do with that. I want to be more social, but when? If I am going to run, cook, be a photographer, be a mom, be a wife, carry a full time job….when do I have time to just be and hang out with friends?

Meh – I am just having one of those times where I want to just disappear for a while. This will pass, I’m sure.


(Originally posted in LJ)

Supplement this!


I am amused by the number of pills and supplements1 I am taking everyday, so I thought I would list them all since the list keeps growing.  All to try to improve egg quality for the upcoming IVFs…

2 Methlyfolate (bioactive folate and b vitamins)
2 Choline/Inositol
2 Resveratrol (500 mg)
3 CoQ10 (600 mg)
1 Folic Acid (1000 mcg)
1 Prozac
4 Metformin (2000 mg)
1 pycogenol (100 mg)
1 vitamin C (1000 mg)
1 Melatonin (3 mg)
1 Teaspoon Inositol Powder
I feel like there are more, but this is all I can think of right now…


(Originally posted in LJ)

IVF Update


IVF update. Egg retrieval was Friday. They got 7 eggs. 5 fertilized. Got a call today and one of the ones that fertilized is already showing signs of being genetically abnormal. They are freezing it anyway since we are having preimplantation genetic diagnosis and if by some chance it makes it to a Day 5 blastocyst, we’ll get the PGD done just to make sure. So, basically after one round of IVF, we have 4 fertilized eggs that appear normal at this stage. None have been grown out to embryos yet – we are doing another round of IVF before we grow them out and send them off for genetic testing. In October, I start the stims all over again for round 2 and I think I’ll be on either a higher dose from the get go or a lower dose for more days….


(Originally posted in LJ)