I’m a sarcastic introvert that loves an audience.  I’m 35, married to my incredible partner of 12 years, and we have an awesome 6.5 year old son.  I have a full time job in non-profit management and I am a professional portrait photographer on the side.  I’ve been battling infertility my entire adult life. PCOS, egg quality issues, repeat miscarriages.  Compared to my current journey, the journey to have my son seems like it really wasn’t so bad.  He was born on our 2nd Clomid/IUI Cycle after trying for a long time on our own.  This time, so far, we are 4 years, 6 IUI, 2 IVF, 3 miscarriages, 3 FET and over $45,000 in, with no baby.  We are currently taking our last try by doing home inseminations with shipped donor sperm.   We are out of money and emotional energy – and for once my cycles are regular, so maybe this will work.  Probably not, but I feel better trying.

This blog started as a compilation of 2 other blogs I was keeping to track my journey.  Some posts are noted that they were originally posted elsewhere, some aren’t.  But, after everything was moved here, this became my primary blogging venue – it really is better having everything in one place.

One response »

  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and see we have some things in common. I am 33 years old also and have been trying to get pregnant a little over two years. I’ve never been pregnant. In the last year I have done six rounds of fertility drugs along with 4 IUI’s. Done the SIS x-ray, hysteroscopy, all the blood work possible and no sign of why I am infertile. I am now on the journey to my first IVF cycle. I’m very nervous about it. My husband and I are going all the way to Barbados to do it. Excellent doctors, but more than half the price. We officially fly down there late November. So, if you are looking for an infertility buddy let me know. I don’t know too many people going through it. Of course of the ten friends/acquaintances I’ve known all trying to get pregnant these last two years I am the only left with nothing. I guess it’s that 10% statistic! And, yes, how on earth does Snooki get pregnant?! I don’t get it. I wish you the best of luck!

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